Shoulder Workout For Seniors And The Elderly

Bent Over Rows

Shoulder workout exercises for seniors and the elderly, like bent over rows, will help your upper arm and shoulder regain the strength you need to perform your daily activities.

Lifting a bag a sugar, emptying the trash, opening a stubborn refrigerator door or unclogging the sink! The exercise below will strengthen your chest and upper arm in order to perform lifting activities more easily.

Lifting things is certainly one of the least liked activities we do around the house, especially when we are cleaning up after a party or meal. Try these lifting exercises and watch your power grow!

Purpose of this exercise

Strengthens your upper arm and back.Improves your ability to pull and lift. Increase shoulder range of motion.

Step 1

If standing, lean over a table. If sitting, lean over your knee. Hold the weight in one arm while supporting yourself on the table or knee with the other arm.


Step 2

Lift your arm up, raising the elbow to shoulder height. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times.



Inhale during the upward movement phase. Exhale during the downward movement phase.


Pull weight up toward the chest. Keep upper arm and elbow next to ribs.Keep back and shoulders even. Maintain body position. Exhale during the upward phase. Inhale during the downward movement phase.

Take it up a notch

Increase the weight if you can perform more than 20 reps. Lower your back and shoulders until they are parallel to the floor. Touch the weight to outer chest and rib cage.

How to do Bent Over Rows

How to do Bent Over Rows

More Upper Body Strengthening

1. Bicep Curls

  • Strengthens the upper part of your arm with elbow exercises.
  • Will make lifting activities easier.

2. Overhead Elbow Extension

  • Strengthens your upper arm muscles with this arm workout.
  • Improves your ability to lift your arms above your shoulders when reaching high to a shelf.

3. Triceps Kickbacks

  • Strengthening and toning arm workouts.
  • Improves your ability to rise from a chair.
  • Makes reaching to a high shelf easier.

4. Diagonal Inward Shoulder Raise

  • Build the strength in your upper arm and back with arm training.
  • Increase the mobility of your shoulder for better arm swing while walking.
  • Add to your ability to reach overhead.

5.Diagonal Outward Shoulder Raise

  • Strengthens the upper arm, back and shoulders with arm toning.
  • Improves your shoulder mobility.
  • Increases your ability to comfortably reach overhead.

6. Shoulder Rolls

  • Improves the mobility with shoulder shrug.
  • Stabilizes your shoulder blades for heavier lifting.

7. Overhead Press

  • Improve the ability to safely reach overhead
  • Stabilizes the back muscles shoulder rehab exercises.
  • Increases the mobility of the shoulder joint.

8. Shoulder Press Lying Down

  • Improve the mobility of your shoulder and chest with shoulder rehabilitation exercises.
  • Increase your strength when reaching forward or lifting with two hands.

9. Upright Rows

  • Increase the strength in your upper arms and back with upper arm exercises.
  • Improve your ability to lift heavier objects around the house.
  • Assist in the mobility of your shoulder and elbow joints.

10. Bent Over Rows

  • Strengthens your upper arm and back with shoulder workout.
  • Improves your ability to pull and lift.
  • Increase shoulder range of motion.

11. Side Shoulder Raises

  • Strengthen your upper arms, shoulders and chest with these best shoulder exercises.
  • Improve your daily activities like opening doors or pushing a shopping cart.

12. Elbow Side Extensions

  • Help strengthen your upper arm and shoulders with shoulder muscle workout.
  • Improve your ability to grip and pull as in opening a stuck refrigerator, moving a chair to vacuum, or opening a sliding glass door.

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