Arm Toning for Seniors and the Elderly

Diagonal Shoulder Raise (Outward)

Arm toning exercise for seniors and the elderly like the diagonal shoulder raise can be very helpful in strengthening your upper arm, shoulders and back.

You will be glad you worked on these muscles when reaching for the window shade cord that is too high or opening that stuck refrigerator door! Try to use them during the day to include arm exercises in your 30 minute program.

Even performing daily chores at a more energetic level will count as exercise. Sweep the house or rake the outside yard in a more lively way will add to your daily exercises.

Diagonal are a great exercise to do if you spend a lot of time reaching into upper cupboards or down low into the pantry. Give them a try. Watch the video a few times as these are somewhat challenging to figure out just by reading how to do it.

Purpose of this exercise

Strengthens the upper arm, back and shoulders. Improves your shoulder mobility. Increases your ability to comfortably reach overhead.

Step 1

Sit or stand with weight in your hand crossed over to your opposite hip with the palm inward.


Step 2

Lift your arm up and across your body to the side ending with your palm outward. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times.



Inhale during the upward movement phase. Exhale during the downward movement phase.


Make sure to keep breathing. Hold the weight with a medium pressure, not too tight. Extend the elbow fully to the side.Maintain your upper body posture.Don’t use more than 2 pound weight if you have shoulder problems

Take it up a notch

Try this arm toning exercise standing to work on your balance. Follow your hand with your eyes. Twist at the hips during the movement to stretch and strengthen your back.

How to do Diagonal Shoulder Raise (Outward)

How to do Diagonal Shoulder Raise (Outward)

More Upper Body Strengthening

1. Bicep Curls

2. Overhead Elbow Extension

3. Triceps Kickbacks

4. Diagonal Inward Shoulder Raise

5.Diagonal Outward Shoulder Raise

6. Shoulder Rolls

7. Overhead Press

8. Shoulder Press Lying Down

9. Upright Rows

10. Bent Over Rows

11. Side Shoulder Raises

12. Elbow Side Extensions

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