Lower Back Stretching Exercises For Seniors And The Elderly

Back Stretch

Lower back stretching for seniors and the elderly is an important daily activity for older adults. As we age our joint range of motion is reduced in our spine and trunk.

It is important to increase our spinal flexibility as well as our rib cage flexibility for activities like reaching a low cupboard or high shelf. As we age our shoulder begin to migrate forward of our ears.

This causes our thoracic and cervical spine to curve forward. This adds to the “hunch” in our backs and brings our chin and head forward also. To help minimize this poor posture position, try the back stretch exercise below.

Take a deep breath in and smile, stretching back with the shoulders opening up the chest. Feels Great!

Purpose of this exercise

Improves the range of motion in your spine and trunk. Increases your ability to bend and reach low or high.

Step 1

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Place hands on your hips with palms against your bottom.Inhale through your nose.


Step 2

Arch your spine backward. Hold for 10 seconds, then repeat 3 times.



Inhale before starting the movement. Exhale during the backward movement phase.


Don’t extend your head backward excessively. Breathe normally during the 10 second hold. Lift your ribs and bring your shoulder blades together as your extend back.

Take it up a notch

Stagger your feet one in front of the other to start. Raise one or both hands as you exhale and extend the spine backward.

How to do Back Stretch

How to do Back Stretch

More Lower Body Stretches

1. Seated Lifts

2. Standing Quadriceps Stretch

3. Back Stretch

4. Inner Thigh  Stretch

5. Calf Stretch

6. Hip Side Stretch

7.  Hip Rotation Stretch

8. Soleus Stretch

9. Ankle Circles

10. Hamstring Stretch

11. Knee To Chest

12. Ankle Stretch

Resources Family Caregivers https://www.cdc.gov/steadi/pdf/STEADI-CaregiverBrochure.pdf