Hip Flexion
Lower back exercise like the hip flexion example below are important in maintaining a stable and flexible lower back. This is especially important for those that enjoy activities like gardening which requires a strong and supple lumbar spine.
A strong back will reduce the risk of injury and overexertion. This is a great exercise to incorporate your breathing into as your body moves back and forward.
Concentrate on keeping a tight abdomen and straight spine during the movement. Remember that the weight of your body is helping flex your hips and knees so be aware of moving in a controlled way.
This will prevent any unnecessary surprise when your knees bend farther than they have in a long time. Good luck.
Purpose of this exercise
This exercise will improve your lower back range of motion and flexibility. It will help with activities such as doing the laundry, sweeping up with a dust pan or reaching to a low cupboard.
Step 1
Begin by positioning yourself on your hands and knees. Keep your back straight and hips in a neutral position.
Step 2
Slowly move your hips back, keeping your back as straight as possible. Return to the start position and repeat 10 times
Exhale during the backward movement phase. Inhale during the forward movement phase.
Your bed is a great place to do this exercise. Make sure your hands and knees are shoulder width apart. Keep your low back in neutral position.
How to do Hip Flexion
More Back and Trunk Exercises
1. Eccentric Straight Leg Raise
- This exercise works your abdominal and hip flexor muscles which will improve your ability to get out of bed, get out of a chair and maintain your posture and help back muscle pain.
- This back pain help exercise works your abdominal and hip flexor muscles which will improve your ability to get out of bed, rise up from a chair and maintain your standing posture.
3. Curl Ups
- Abdominal back pain symptoms exercises help with posture and balance by strengthening your core muscles. Simple things like getting out of bed or up from a chair can become easier when your
- abdominal muscles are strong.
- To stretch and extend the lower back and mid back muscles. Exercises for back pain and loosening up the pelvic area and learning the pelvic tilt.
- To stretch and extend the lower back and mid back muscles. It can also help with mid back pain associated with postural strain. This will make it easier to maintain good posture with sitting and
- standing.
- To stretch and extend the lower back and hip pain muscles. It can also help with strengthening the pelvis and leg muscles reducing symptoms.
7. Bridging
- These lower back pain exercises help strengthen the hip extensors, buttock muscles and hamstrings. It also helps strengthen the low back and sacroiliac. This can improve your ability to stand and maintain your balance.
8. Pelvic Tilt
- To stretch the lower back and hip muscles. This is a great treatment for back pain exercise for tired or sore backs after a long day of walking!
9. Sit Backs
- This back strengthening exercise will firm your abdominal muscles.
- It will help your ability to get out of bed or up from a chair.
- This back muscle exercise improves the range of motion in your upper back and shoulders.
- When correctly stabilizing the lower back, this exercise will help strengthen your postural muscles including the abdominal muscles.
- This back pain and exercise movement will improve your upper back and shoulder stability.
- It is also helpful in reaching to a high shelf, opening the refrigerator door or even combing your hair.
12. Hip Flexion
- This lower back exercise will improve your lower back range of motion and flexibility.
- It will help with activities such as doing the laundry, sweeping up with a dust pan or reaching to a low cupboard.
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