Balance Exercises For Seniors And The Elderly


Balance Exercises for seniors and the elderly like the grapevine below, are essential to maintain or improve your current state of balance. Below I have made a great balance video that is fun and easy to do.

All you need is comfortable loose fitting clothing,  and a pair of smooth bottom shoes to wear so you won’t catch your feet. Read on then give it a try. This exercise is a must for age-related balance problems.

It is critical that you work on increasing your ability to safely perform your daily chores by practicing these balance exercises. With the introduction of this balance exercise in our series of 12 exercises, we are performing not only a moving exercise but a sideways moving exercise.

This is a challenging balance exercise. If you are not dancing regularly and have less than good balance, then you may need help. If that is the case, it is better to start by holding on to the back of a chair when attempting to perform this exercise.

Ask for help

Better yet, call into the kitchen and get a family member out here! That’s right. Put them to good use. Start by crossing your right foot over the left, then step together.

Move about 10 feet in one direction, then return back by crossing the left foot over the right and then stepping together. If this is too hard you will  need to modify the exercise by simply side stepping.

Do not cross your feet.Side step ten feet to the right, then side step back to the left. Gradually you will improve to the point where it will be possible to cross one foot over the other and really do the “grapevine”!

Purpose of this exercise

This exercise improves your ability to sidestep around objects like your coffee table or pet. This exercise improves your ability to sidestep around objects like your coffee table or pet. Lessens the chance of tripping over your own feet when changing directions.

Step 1

Begin standing with arms at sides, feet together.


Step 2

Step across in front of your right foot with Left leg. Continue across your living room sideways uncrossing the left leg. Then reverse directions and cross your left leg behind your right leg. Continue to step sideways, uncrossing the right leg.



Breathe normally, inhale through the nose and exhale out the mouth.


Wear smooth bottom shoes to reduce the chance of  your shoe to catch.Begin practicing in the kitchen holding on to a counter. Try holding on to someones hands if you are not sure you can do this exercise.

Use a chair as a place to not only perform seated exercise but also to hold on to while standing. Hold on with your finger, one hand or two hands.

Take it up a notch

Try lifting your chest and looking straight ahead when sidestepping.Use tape on your floor to make a straight line. Try to stay on the line to increase the difficulty.

How to do Grapevine

How to do Grapevine

More Balance Exercises

1. Single limb stance

2. Eye tracking

3. Clock reach

4. Staggered stance

5. Single limb with arm

6. Balancing wand

7. Knee marching

8. Body circles

9. Heel to toe

10. Grapevine

11. Stepping

12. Dynamic walking

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